102 problems solved
Rank by points: #3309
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1 contest written
Rank by rating: #7090
Rating: 122
Min. rating: 122
Max rating: 122
Would like t become olympaid student plz plz plz
also credit to user d for my script!!!! looks awesome
Below are all my being banned comments. I am active now. They unbanned me.(Totally)
This user is hidden due to too much spamming. Show the information anyway.
This user is warned due to too much unessessary stuff. Show the ban anyway.
This user is now banned for 1 month. Show why the user is banned anyway.
This user is now banned permanently. Show why the user is banned anyway.
Click the links. If it leads to a youtube video which is not possible, since its a banned link, but if so, watch the video fully.
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