DMOPC '16 February Contest

posted on Feb. 10, 2017, 9:00 p.m.

Thanks to everyone who participated in this month's DMOPC!

Congratulations to the winners:

  1. zscoder
  2. abcdef6199
  3. d
  4. percywtc
  5. r3mark

We hope you enjoyed the contest! See you next month!

We also encourage you to complete this feedback form so we can improve in future contests.

On Tuesday, February 14th, we'll be hosting the February Don Mills Open Programming Contest!

Anyone with a DMOJ account is welcome to participate, and anyone without one is welcome to register and participate.

Contestants may participate in any 3-hour window between noon EDT of Feb. 14th and noon EDT of Feb. 15th. Please see the contest page for more details.

See you soon!


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    kobortor  commented on Feb. 15, 2017, 10:52 p.m.

    please no more 2e5