Christmas Trees - Christmas Special Contest

posted on Dec. 25, 2014, 1:05 p.m.

Do you find yourself with nothing to do even on December 25?

Xyene and Kirito have prepared a contest for this day. The contest will last for 4 days, and there are 3 problems in total.

The theme is about trees. If you like trees or want to learn more about graph theory, you should check out this contest.


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    r3mark  commented on Feb. 11, 2016, 5:29 a.m. edited

    Did FatalEagle's handle use to be Kirito? Is it even possible to change one's handle?

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    Oppenheimer  commented on Dec. 28, 2014, 12:01 a.m.

    How about an extension - say 1 more day? That would be greatly appreciated...

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      Xyene  commented on Dec. 28, 2014, 1:41 a.m.

      You can still solve the problems on the main judge after the contest. Aside from that, we have two contests coming up right after this one ends that you'll be able to take part in :)

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        Oppenheimer  commented on Dec. 28, 2014, 2:48 a.m.

        Sweet. Thanks guys for all the hard work you've put into this - I really do appreciate how awesome this site is. Keep up the good work!