An Animal Contest 1 P2 - Alpaca Racing

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Points: 5 (partial)
Time limit: 0.6s
Python 1.5s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem types

You have decided to enter your alpaca into the annual Alpaca Racing Tournament! The race will be run around a track of length D, and you will be competing against N other alpacas. However, your alpaca is running slower than usual because it ate too many Cheetos got injured while training for the race. Desperate to win, you hack into the tournament software containing the speeds of all alpacas to see if there is a chance of victory. The speed of the ith alpaca is defined as ai, and your alpaca has speed P. Soon, you realize that you have no chance of winning, but you have one more trick up your sleeve. You create a device that can reduce the speed of any alpaca, setting its new speed to speed×100X100. However, due to a bug in the device, it can only be used K times. Your task is to find out if you can win if you use the device at most K times. Note that winning means that you finish in the fastest time, meaning no ties.


For all subtasks:




Subtask 1 [10%]


Subtask 2 [90%]

No additional constraints.

Input Specification

The first line of input will contain 4 integers N,D,K,X, all separated by a space.

The next N lines will each contain ai, denoting the speed of the ith alpaca.

The final line of input will contain P, denoting the speed of your alpaca.

Output Specification

You are to output YES if you can win the race outright after using the device at most K times and NO otherwise.

Note: For this problem, you will NOT be required to pass the sample cases in order to receive points. In addition, you must pass all previous subtasks to earn points for a specific subtask.

Sample Input 1

2 12 3 30

Sample Output 1


Explanation for Sample Output 1

The first alpaca finishes in 12/100=0.12 hours, the second one finishes in 12/50=0.24 hours and you finish in 12/50=0.24 hours.

You use the device on the first alpaca twice, bringing his speed down to 100×10030100=70, then 70×10030100=49. The first alpaca now finishes in 12/49=0.245 hours, which is slower than you. You also need to use the device once on the second alpaca. Using the device 3 times allows you to win.

Sample Input 2

4 200 1 1

Sample Output 2



  • 1
    EthanHardie  commented 74 days ago edit 2

    To clarify any confusion, if the result of the speed equation is not an integer, it must be rounded down to the nearest integer:


    • 0
      y889  commented 74 days ago

      Thanks so much! I was having major problems, then I saw this comment which helped me. The author may need to update to add additional information as to not potentially confuse newcomers.

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    payday2  commented on Oct. 9, 2024, 12:46 a.m.

    I keep on getting the wrong answer for the 2nd problem and have no idea why. Any help?

    • 2
      ev_code  commented on Oct. 10, 2024, 7:04 p.m.

      Hello! Keep in mind that the question asks for d / speeds[i]. Not only speeds[i]! Also, you need to account for ties, as ties still count as "NO". I'm not too familiar with the java mechanics though, because it does get IR on test case 3 (but it passes test case 2!)

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    HisMonDon  commented on Oct. 2, 2024, 2:51 p.m.

    Can someone tell me why im failing test case 7 in subtask 2?

    • 1
      ev_code  commented on Oct. 2, 2024, 8:54 p.m.

      I was very confused too. It turns out, make sure that the alpaca speeds are typecasted to integers, or else funky dmoj stuff happens. Let me know if this helps :)

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    EthFng64  commented on Sept. 13, 2024, 12:35 a.m.

    cheeto diet time

  • -1
    hungrybeagle  commented on Feb. 21, 2024, 1:16 a.m.

    Nowhere in the problem do I read that the alpaca speeds (after using the device) must be integer values. This has a huge impact on the problem.

    • 5
      JoshC  commented on Feb. 23, 2024, 8:37 p.m. edited

      the statement speed×100X100 uses the floor function, which rounds down to the nearest integer.

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    teddycitrus  commented on Dec. 15, 2023, 11:03 p.m. edited

    Im missing something, why does D matter? As far as I could tell, the objective is to calculate the speed of the K fastest opponents after using the device as much as possible and then check if your alpaca is the fastest afterwards. so why does D matter? im sure it does have a part in the answer but i can't see how can someone help

    • -1
      teddycitrus  commented on Dec. 16, 2023, 1:31 p.m.

      sorry i did not know editorials could be used like that