Editorial for An Animal Contest 3 P6 - Monkey Station

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Author: ThingExplainer

We claim that \max(R+1, C+1) + 1 is always achievable.

Let's imagine a grid with R = 3 and C = 3 and trains placed wherever possible.

Assume that cell (0,0) is the top-leftmost cell and cell (R+1, C+1) is the bottom-rightmost cell. The number in each cell denotes the time that each train in the leftmost column (first diagram) or topmost row (second diagram) will arrive, mod 2. Departure times are scheduled based using the following algorithm:

Assign each train on the leftmost column to depart at time a_i \bmod 2 and each train on the topmost row to depart at time (b_i + 1) \bmod 2.

The following diagrams provide a visualization:

It is clear that for all trains departing from the leftmost column, the parity of the arrival time at any cell (i, j) will form a checkerboard of 1's and 0's across the entire grid. This also holds for the trains departing from the topmost row. This checkerboard pattern can be extended or shrunk to fit any R and C.

Call the checkerboard formed with the trains departing from the leftmost column A and the checkerboard formed with the trains departing from the topmost row B. We can see that for any cell (i, j), A_{i, j} \ne B_{i, j}. Therefore, any collision among trains departing from the leftmost column and trains departing from the topmost row is impossible.

We conclude that we can always achieve an answer of \max(R+1, C+1) + 1.

Now, we attempt to achieve a \max(R+1, C+1) solution.

Assume without loss of generality that R \le C.

We can observe that each train on the leftmost column will have to depart at time 0, or else they will arrive later than \max(R+1, C+1). Define the difference as D = C-R. Now we can see that every train on the topmost row b_i needs to leave in the interval [0, D] inclusive or else it will not reach the end of its row in time. Therefore, it suffices to check if there is any row x between rows [b_i - D, b_i] inclusive such that for all a_j (1 \le j \le N), a_j \ne x.

This can be done using line sweep or efficient binary search/preprocessing methods. If during this calculation we find that there are no cells that meet the above criteria, the solution for the scenario must be \max(R+1, C+1) + 1.

Time Complexity: \mathcal{O}(N + M) or \mathcal{O}(N + M \log N)

Additional Notes

The checker for this problem was included in the problemset as An Animal Contest 3 P4 - Monkey Mayhem.


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