Editorial for An Animal Contest 7 P3 - Squirrel Scramble

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Authors: WilliamWu277, julian33

Subtask 1

Hint 1 There are only two paths that matter from checkpoint i to checkpoint j.
Hint 2 You can either choose to use portals twice or don't use them at all to get from checkpoint i to checkpoint j.
Solution It can be seen that when using a portal from checkpoint i, it is only optimal to travel to the nearest one. Similarly, when coming out of a portal to get to checkpoint j, it is only optimal to travel from the nearest portal to that checkpoint j.

For each checkpoint, we can precompute the distance to the closest portal in \mathcal{O}(N^2) time. When iterating through all pairs of checkpoints, we add to our answer the minimum of dist\_to\_portal[i] + dist\_to\_portal[j] and dist[i][j].

Time Complexity: \mathcal{O}(N^2)

Subtask 2


There are multiple solutions for this subtask, but we will go over the solution that extends the best to subtask 3. We claim that for any index i there exists some index k such that for every j where i < j \leq k it is optimal to not use any portals, and for every j where k < j \leq N it is optimal to use portals. A proof will be shown in the subtask 3 solution. In order to find the index k we can use 2 pointers or binary search.

Time Complexity: \mathcal{O}(N) or \mathcal{O}(N \log N)

Subtask 3


Now, we will prove our claim. If we use portals to go from i to j (i < j) the distance will be f(i)+f(j) where f(x) is the distance to the nearest portal from checkpoint x. If we choose to walk, the distance will be p(j)-p(i) where p(x) is the sum of path lengths from the first checkpoint to checkpoint x. In order for our claim about index k to be invalid, we need to find 3 integers i, y, and z where 1 \leq i < y < z \leq N and f(i)+f(y) < p(y)-p(i) and p(z)-p(i) < f(i)+f(z). If we subtract the first inequality from the second inequality we get: \displaystyle \begin{align*}
p(z)-p(i)-f(i)-f(y) &< f(i)+f(z)-p(y)+p(i) \\
p(z)-p(i)+p(y)-p(i) &< f(i)+f(z)+f(i)+f(y) \\
p(z)+p(y)-2p(i) &< f(z)+f(y)+2f(i)
\end{align*} But, f(z) is at most f(y)+p(z)-p(y) because we can always choose to walk from z to y and then travel to y's nearest portal. So, we get: \displaystyle \begin{align*}
p(z)+p(y)-2p(i) &< f(y)+f(y)+p(z)-p(y)+2f(i) \\
2(p(y)-p(i)) &< 2(f(y)+f(i)) \\
p(y)-p(i) &< f(y)+f(i)
\end{align*} which is a contradiction of the initial inequality f(i)+f(y) < p(y)-p(i). Therefore, our claim was valid and we have solved the problem.

Time Complexity: \mathcal{O}(N) or \mathcal{O}(N \log N)


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