Another Contest 10 Problem 2 - Wesley's Anger Contest 7 Problem 2 - Short Love Letters in CS

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Points: 0 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 1G

Problem type

This is a quiz. Every question is worth 1 mark.

1.  Americans might be?
2.  What is the upside down book about?
3.  What would you use instead of conjugated verbs?
4.  What kind of person should have been wiped out by the asteroid strike?
5.  Who steals potatoes?
6.  NEWSFLASH! What exists?
7.  What seven letter word appears four times in the poem?
8.  What should you not do when you're 43 years old?
9.  What do vaccines cause?
10. What is being obtained after jumping out the building?
11. What are markets?
12. What was being disparaged?
13. What should you not kick?

Input Specification

The input will consist of a single nonzero integer $T$, the number as presented in the above list.

Output Specification

Output the answer to the question. Your answer will be normalized by changing all uppercase letters to lowercase letters and removing all characters not in jamesicknbdfghlopqrtuvwxyz.

Sample Input


Sample Output


Sample Explanation

Though true, the correct answer is not American.


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