A given customer will not request the same feature more than once.
Every feature request will be a string of lowercase ASCII letters that has length at most 20.
Input Specification
The first line contains a single integer,
Output Specification
Output the feature requests in sorted order. More specifically, output
feature requests, one per line. A feature request should be formatted
first with the name of the feature request followed by the number of
customers that requested that feature. If feature
Sample Input 1
2 chatgptsupport anthropicsupport
1 anthropicsupport
1 fastqueries
Sample Output 1
anthropicsupport 2
chatgptsupport 1
fastqueries 1
Sample Explanation 1
Two customers requested anthropic support, so it is first on the list. One customer requested ChatGPT support and one customer requested fast queries, so since ChatGPT support is alphabetically earlier, it was printed first.