Editorial for APIO '08 P3 - DNA

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First, we ignore the templates and only count the number of sequences of form-k.

Let A[i][k][\alpha] denote the number of sequences of form-k of length i beginning with \alpha. Note that if the second character \beta comes before \alpha, possible sequences of form-k are those constructed by concatenating \alpha with form-(k-1) sequences beginning with \beta. On the other hand, if \beta is \alpha or comes after \alpha, we can concatenate \alpha with any form-k sequence.

Thus, we have the following recurrence:

\displaystyle A[i][k][\alpha] = \sum_{\beta \ge \alpha} A[i-1][k][\beta] + \sum_{\beta < \alpha} A[i-1][k-1][\beta]

This idea can be extended to count the number of sequences that also match the templates. Table A can be computed in time \mathcal O(MK).

Given A, we can trace back the computation of A to find the required R-th gene sequence.


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