Editorial for APIO '10 P1 - Commando

Remember to use this editorial only when stuck, and not to copy-paste code from it. Please be respectful to the problem author and editorialist.
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

Solution 1

\mathcal O(n^3): Using dynamic programming, let f(n) indicate the maximum battle effectiveness after adjustment. We have transfer equations below:

\displaystyle f(n) = \max_{0 \le i < n} \left\{f(i)+g\left(\sum_{j=i+1}^n X_j\right)\right\}, g(x) = Ax^2+Bx+C

Such a solution should score around 20\%.

Solution 2

\mathcal O(n^2): Use pre-calculated partial sum to accelerate the solution above. Let S_i = \sum_{i=1}^n X_i, we have f(n) = \max_{0 \le i < n} \{f(i)+g(S_n-S_i)\}.

Such a solution should score around 50\%.

Solution 3

\mathcal O(n): Consider two decisions i < j, we choose i instead of j if and only if:

\displaystyle \begin{align*}
& f(i)+g(S_n-S_i) > f(j)+g(S_n-S_j) \iff \\
& g(S_n-S_i)-g(S_n-S_j) > f(j)-f(i) \iff \\
& A\left((S_n-S_i)^2-(S_n-S_j)^2\right)+B((S_n-S_i)-(S_n-S_j)) > f(j)-f(i) \iff \\
& A(2S_n-S_i-S_j)(S_j-S_i)+B(S_j-S_i) > f(j)-f(i) \iff \\
& A(2S_n-S_i-S_j)+B > \frac{f(j)-f(i)}{S_j-S_i} \iff \\
& 2S_n < \frac 1 A \left(\frac{f(j)-f(i)}{S_j-S_i}-B\right)+S_i+S_j

Thus, we can use a queue holding all necessary decisions. Each decision in the queue is the best decision during a specific range of S_n. When a decision is to be made, we simply begin searching at one end of the queue, and find the first decision where S_n is in its range. After that, we put decision N at the other end of the queue as a new decision, updating the range of decisions before it using the inequality above.

Such a solution should score 100\%.


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