Editorial for APIO '10 P3 - Signaling

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The problem description is: Given N points on a 2D plane, we guarantee that any three points are not in a line and any four points are not on a circle. Randomly pick 3 different points to make a circle, and compute the average number of points that are inside or on the circle. We assume that each point has the same probability to be chosen.

Our goal is to compute the average number of points that are covered by the circle. In fact, we only need to compute the sum of points that are covered by any circle and divide the result by \binom N 3 to get the exact answer for our problem.

Algorithm 1: A brute force solution for this problem is to enumerate any three different points and calculate their corresponding circumcircle. Then we can count how many points are inside or on the circle in \mathcal O(N) time. Clearly, this solution works in time \mathcal O(N^4).

Now our task is to count the number of quadruplets (A, B, C : D) such that point D is inside the circumcircle of A, B, C. Let's consider the position relation between D and A, B, C:

Seeing the above figure, we can deduce that if point D is in area I, II, or III, then the sum of the angle D and the angle of the opposite point must be >180^\circ since the interior angle is always larger than the corresponding circumferential angle. For example, if D is in area I, then \angle ADB + \angle ACB > 180^\circ and the four points must form a convex quadrangle. Similarly, if D is outside the circle, the sum of the angle D and the corresponding opposite angle must be <180^\circ. And another case is D is inside the triangle ABC, then the four points must form a concave quadrangle.

Hence let's consider every quadrangle we get from the set of points, note that two quadrangles are distinct if and only if the set of the 4 points are different (4 points can construct different quadrangles if one point is inside the triangle of another 3 points). We can see that

  1. if it's convex, then there are 2 ways to pick 3 points to make a circle so that the circle contains the remaining point. This is because the sum of the 4 angles is equal to 360^\circ and no 4 points are on a circle, there must be exactly a pair of opposite angles such that their sum is greater than 180^\circ. For example, if \angle A + \angle C > 180^\circ in a quadrangle ABCD, then point C must be in the circle of ABD while A must be in the circle of BCD.
  2. if it's concave, then there is exactly 1 way to pick 3 points to make a circle such that the circle contains the remaining point. In this case, the 4^\text{th} point must be in the triangle of the other 3 points.

Let P = the number of convex quadrangles and Q = the number of concave quadrangles. Our new goal is to compute the value of 2P+Q and it is straightforward that P+Q = \binom N 4. There are many ways to compute P or Q or any linear combinations of P and Q in \mathcal O(N^2 \log N) or \mathcal O(N^3) time, then we can get 2P+Q. Next, we will give a very simple method to compute 4P+3Q.

For any quadrangle T and a vertex v of T, if we can draw a line through v such that all other 3 points lie in one side of this line, then we say that the vertex v is "good".

We can see that for any convex quadrangle, all vertices are "good" while there are only 3 "good" vertices in a concave quadrangle except the innermost point. If we can count the number of "good" points for any 4 points, then we have got the value of 4P+3Q.

Algorithm 2: enumerate a point as v, and sort all other points by their polar angles with respect to v. Then we can scan all other points in the order and maintain the number of points such that the angle between it and the current point is <180^\circ. Then we can count the number of quadrangles in which v is a "good" vertex in \mathcal O(N) time. For each point v, it takes \mathcal O(N \log N) time to sort all other points by polar angles and \mathcal O(N) time to scan all points to get the answer. So the total running time is \mathcal O(N^2 \log N).

Till now, we have got a complete algorithm in \mathcal O(N^2 \log N) time. In fact, there are many similar methods to compute a linear combination of P and Q and after we sort all other N-1 points, we can enumerate two points to calculate the result to get an \mathcal O(N^3) algorithm which can pass 70\% of the test cases.


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