PEG Test – Oct 3rd, 2014
After Korra's decision to leave the spirit world portals permanently open in support of having humans and spirits live in unity, Korra, Tenzin, and friends have decided to change the world once again. The harmonic convergence has gifted many people in the world with the power of airbending. Alas, people cannot control it. So, around a hundred years after their destruction, it's finally time for the air nation to be rebuilt.
However, the evil Red Lotus group consisting of Zaheer, Gazan, Ming-Hua, and P'Li has managed to take the group of new age airbenders hostage. Each of the four Red Lotus members has held an equal number of people hostage at different places in the temple. To save them, Team Avatar, consisting of Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami, Lin, and Opal have closed in on the temple. Now, the team has to make some strategic decisions to save as many hostages as possible. Korra has to decide which members of the team (including herself) have to take on which members of the Red Lotus.
Zaheer, Gazan, Ming-Hua, and P'Li have strengths of
Given the strengths of everybody, Korra would like to know the maximum number of battles they can win (between 0 and 4) if she assigned optimally.
Input Specification
Line 1: Four integers
Line 2: Six integers
Output Specification
A single integer representing the maximum number of battles that can be
won (0
, 1
, 2
, 3
, or 4
) if Korra deploys Team Avatar members optimally.
Sample Input
25 15 20 25
20 10 10 5 15 15
Sample Output
One possible way is by assigning: Korra to Gazan
Mako, Bolin and Asami to Ming-Hua
Lin and Opal to P'Li