Editorial for Bubble Cup V8 D Tablecity

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First notice that parity of thief's X coordinate changes every time he moves.

Assume that at the beginning X coordinate of thief's position is odd, and check districts (1,1) and (1,2). The next day check districts (2,1) and (2,2) and so on until 1000^{th} when you check districts (1000,1) and (1000,2). What is achieved this way is that if starting parity was as assumed, thief could have never moved to district with X coordinate i on day i+1, hence he couldn't have jumped over the search party and would've been caught. If he wasn't caught, his starting parity was different than we assumed, so on 1001^{st} day we search whatever (1 and 1001 are of the same parity, so we need to wait one day), and then starting on 1002^{nd} day we do the same sweep from (1,1) and (1,2) to (1000,1) and (1000,2) and guarantee to catch him.

Shortest possible solution is by going from (2,1) and (2,2) to (1000,1) and (1000,2) twice in a row, a total of 1998 days, which is correct in the same way. First sweep catches the thief if he started with even X coordinate, and second sweep catches the thief if he started with odd X coordinate.


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