Brute Force Practice 1
You have a list of unique numbers each no larger than . The size of the list is no greater than . You perform the following operation on the list repeatedly: take the minimum of the numbers, and remove it from the list. You stop when the list is empty.
In what order are the numbers removed?
Input Specification
The first line will have the size of the list.
Each line after that will be an element of the list. You are guaranteed no two elements are the same.
Output Specification
Print one line for each time the operation was performed: the number that was removed at that step.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Isn't this basically the same as ?
take the minimum of the numbers, and remove it from the list. should it be the smallest?
It should be the smallest in that current list. I think, I can't figure it out.
yeah just each time find the current minimum number in the array and: print it(the smallest) & remove it
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ItzMatthew, YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR COPY AND PASTING CODE! We have found multiple submissions have been copied. Please refrain from doing this again.
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Note: Any future submissions will be monitored and reviewed.
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likely story buddy
Firstly, I would like to inform all users that CopyPastePolice, NoCopyPastePlease, CopyPastingFromGithubIsWrong, etc, are not affiliated with the DMOJ admins. These are simply users who chose to investigate copy-pasted submissions on their own time.
Secondly, if you are aware that your friends have your password and are doing unappreciated things on your account, you should consider changing your password and enabling 2FA.
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Good thing you're reformed man! Please refrain from copying & pasting code in the future. Thanks!
sincerely, Roronoa_Zoro1540 (aka CopyPastePolice's sidekick)
It has come to our attention that you've been copying and pasting solutions on DMOJ. This does not show good sportsmanship and is unfair to DMOJistan. Blindly copying and pasting code does not improve your own abilities and breaks DMOJ's rules.
Example 1: IOI 2015 P6 Towns -
Offender's Code:
Example 2: CCO 2018 P5 Boring Lectures -
Offender's Code:
Edit: The offender's submissions have been deleted and his points have been reverted.
A note to new users: please do not post notes, hints, or solutions in problem comments.
What may seem obvious to you may not be obvious to others. There are many ways to solve problems like these, and they exist to encourage new contest programmers into thinking about the efficiency of their solutions. Posting a solution — no matter how trivial — defeats this purpose.
I just thought this problem is suspiciously simple. The general rule for me is "when you find it too easy, then you have misread the problem"
That's fine, and a good intuition for harder problems. However, 3-5 point problems should usually be taken at face value, as there are rarely any tricks involved.
Just to clarify, clarifications are allowed, right?
Of course, and even hints may be appropriate for harder problems, where a nudge towards the right approach isn't the same as giving the entire problem away.