List Minimum (Easy)

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Points: 3 (partial)
Time limit: 0.5s
C# 0.75s
Haskell 1.0s
Java 0.6s
Python 1.0s
Memory limit: 3M
C# 28M
Haskell 6M
Python 12M

Problem type
Brute Force Practice 1 — Easy Version

Given a permutation of the integers 1,2,,N, output the permutation after it has been sorted.

Input Specification

The first line will contain the integer N (1N106).

The next line will contain N integers, a permutation of the integers 1,2,,N.

Output Specification

The sorted permutation on a single line.

Sample Input

2 1 3

Sample Output

1 2 3


  • 1
    Kiki_Delfin  commented 72 days ago

    What Means MLE ?

    • 1
      ev_code  commented 72 days ago edited

      It means memory limit exceeded. There are memory limits on dmoj and if your solution exceeds it, then you get MLE.

      It seems that this problem can't have a list or else it gets MLE. Therefore, since the question states:

      Given a permutation of the integers 1,2,,N, output the permutation after it has been sorted.

      Therefore, a list isn't necessary at all, and you only need to know the value of N and then you can just print 1 to N.