Eggy is a world-famous egg, and a world-famous egg needs to look like one. Thus, his dedicated attendant is going shopping for clothes that would fit his status as the world-famous egg.
Now, being an egg, Eggy's clothing size is a bit… different. You see, eggs are round, unlike humans (do not ask what this implies).
Thus, there is a special formula you must use to calculate the clothing size of an egg. The formula is
The attendant has found a lovely shirt for Eggy. He gives you the size of the shirt and asks you if the shirt will fit Eggy. Output Yes it fits!
if the clothes will fit the world-famous egg, or No, it's too small :(
if the clothes will not fit him.
Input Specification
The first line contains the integer
The second line contains the integer
Output Specification
Output Yes it fits!
if the clothes fit Eggy. Otherwise, output No, it's too small :(
if it will not fit.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Yes it fits!
Explanation for Sample Output
Using the special formula, we find Eggy's stretchiness to be