Editorial for Baltic OI '05 P2 - LISP

Remember to use this editorial only when stuck, and not to copy-paste code from it. Please be respectful to the problem author and editorialist.
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

We get a linear-time algorithm via the following result:

Theorem: If a string can be balanced by choosing suitable values for its magic parentheses ], then it can be balanced in a way which chooses 1 for all but the last (rightmost) magic parenthesis ].

Proof: Consider the nondeterministic pushdown automaton accepting the correctly parenthesized strings without magic parentheses. Incorporate magic parentheses into it by guessing nondeterministically the correct number of opening parentheses ( to pop whenever a magic parenthesis is read.

Consider any accepting computation A of this automaton. Consider any stage P where a magic parenthesis is read, more than one pops are guessed for it, and the input still contains another magic parenthesis. Let Q be the subsequent stage where this next magic parenthesis is read. Modify this computation to guess one less pop at stage P and one more pop at stage Q. This modified computation B is accepting as well:

  1. Before stage P, B proceeds exactly as A.
  2. Between stages P and Q (inclusive), B proceeds as A except that the stack has one more opening parenthesis, and this extra parenthesis cannot cause B to reject due to the structure of this automaton.
  3. After stage Q, B again proceeds exactly as A.

The result follows by iterating the argument above until no such stage P exists. QED

The automaton used in the proof yields the required algorithm.


  • 5
    d  commented on July 3, 2022, 8:55 a.m.

    Here's an alternate proof of the theorem.

    Proof: Suppose the string can be balanced by choosing suitable values for its ]. In other words, C_1, C_2, \dots, C_M is a solution.

    Suppose there is some index 1 \le i \le M-1 where C_i > 1. The goal is to decrement C_i and increment C_M. Take a ) from C_i and move it rightwards to C_M. There are 2 cases when moving ) rightwards by 1 character:

    1. Swap ) with ). This does not change the string.

    2. Swap ) with (. In other words, )( becomes ().

      Claim: In any balanced string, changing )( to () results in another balanced string. The proof is an exercise. (Hint: )( is a "decrement, increment" and () is an "increment, decrement")

    During every swap, the string remains balanced. Therefore, it's possible to decrement C_i and increment C_M to get another balanced string. Do this repeatedly until C_1 = \dots = C_{M-1} = 1. QED