Editorial for Baltic OI '06 P5 - RLE Compression

Remember to use this editorial only when stuck, and not to copy-paste code from it. Please be respectful to the problem author and editorialist.
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

The optimal solution should work in \mathcal O(n+m).

First, we decode the input and store the sequence as a sequence of blocks. Each block represents a repetition of one character. Let the number of blocks be B. It satisfies B \le m.

A straightforward dynamic solution leads to time and memory \mathcal O(nm). For each i = 0, \dots, B and each e = 0, \dots, n-1 we calculate a value L(i, e) — the length of the shortest code of first i blocks such that at the end of the code the special character is set to e.

This algorithm can be accelerated using the following observations. First, the code of a block of repetition of a character a using the special character other than a is not longer than the code of the block using the special character e = a. Therefore, if a \ne e then it is always a good choice to code the block using special character e, thus L(i, e) = L(i-1, e)+C, where C is the length of the shortest code of block i given e \ne a. So all values of L(i, e) for e \ne a differ from L(i-1, e) by the same number C.

More attention is needed when calculating L(i, a). We want to encode block i in a such way that after encoding it, the special character will be set to a. This can be done in two ways: with or without switching the special character. If we don't want to switch, then the length of the code will be equal to L(i-1, a) plus the length of the code of block i using a as the special character. If we want to switch the special character to a somewhere, it is always worthwhile to do it at the end of block of a. This costs additional 3 characters. The rest of the code will contain C character plus the smallest value from the set \{L(i-1, b) \mid b \ne a\}. To reconstruct later the code we need to save only how this particular value L(i, a) was calculated.

We don't have to store L(i, \cdot) for all i. We need only values L(i, \cdot) for the current block.

There can be developed a fast data structure with the following operations running in constant time:

  • getting the value L(i, e) for any e,
  • calculation of L(i, \cdot) from L(i-1, \cdot),
  • getting the smallest value L(i, e) with e \ne a.

The key observation for doing it is that two values L(i, \cdot) may differ at most by 3. This can be proved by a simple induction on the number of blocks.

The task requires from a contestant some short insight into the problem. The more difficult part of the solution should be careful implementation.


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