Editorial for Baltic OI '08 P1 - Game

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The problem is a typical game theory problem. Let us denote by D the distance between A's and B's starting points. Both players have the same distance D to travel. Therefore, it is obvious that both players should move along a shortest path between starting points. Otherwise, a player would make at least D+1 moves and his opponent would win. Since player A moves first, he will win if and only if player B is unable to reach the same square as player A in D/2 moves. Hence, if D is odd, then A wins. So, from now on, we assume that D = 2d.

Since players move along shortest paths, it is easy to find for each player, all such squares that can be reached in exactly p moves. We can do this by running the BFS algorithm twice and finding the distances from A's and B's starting points to all the squares. After p moves, player A can be on one of the squares whose distance to A's starting point is p and the distance to B's starting point is D-p (and conversely for player B).

This basic observation is necessary to solve this problem correctly, as it gives us the order in which all configurations of A's and B's positions should be processed.

Model Solution

This solution uses simple dynamic programming. Let LA_k and LB_k be the lists of such squares which can be reached by players A and B, respectively, in k moves, and can be reached by their respective opponent in D-k moves. By LA_k[i] and LB_k[i], we will denote the i^\text{th} elements of these lists. Let T_{k,i,j} be true if after d-k moves, player A has a winning strategy when his piece is on the square LA_{d-k}[i] and player B is on the square LB_{d-k}[j]. If B has a winning strategy, then T_{k,i,j} is false. Please note that LA_d equals LB_d, and T_{0,i,j} is true for all i and j such that LA_d[i] \ne LB_d[j] (that is, the pieces cannot stand on the same square).

Please note that A has a winning strategy, iff he can make such a move, after which B can only make moves, after which A still has a winning strategy. More formally, let NextA_{k,i} be the list of squares from LA_{d-k+1} onto which player A can move from LA_{d-k[i]}. Let NextB_{k,j} be a similar list for player B. If for some i' \in NextA_{k,i}, for all j' \in NextB_{k,j} the value of T_{k-1,i',j'} is true, then T_{k,i,j} is true, otherwise it is false.

Using the above observation, we can calculate values T_{k,i,j} for k = 1, 2, \dots, d. Player A has a winning strategy in the whole game if and only if T_{d,1,1} is true.

The only problem is to compute NextA and NextB lists efficiently. For square (x, y) where one of the players can be after k moves, we can easily find all squares (x', y') where this player can be after k+1 moves. The problem is to find the position of (x', y') on the LA_{k+1} and LB_{k+1} lists. But since each square is present on at most two such lists, when we add some square to some list, we can also store its position on an appropriate list.

Since each value T_{k,i,j} can be computed in constant time, the total time complexity is \mathcal O(n^3). Please note that although there are \mathcal O(n^3) values T_{k,i,j}, we only have to store T_{k,i,j} for two consecutive values of k. Moreover, since each square belongs to at most two lists LA/LB, these lists occupy \mathcal O(n^2) memory. Therefore, the overall memory complexity is \mathcal O(n^2).


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