Editorial for Baltic OI '10 P4 - Matching Bins

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Let s_1, \dots, s_n be the input sequence of bins and s_i \le m for i = 1, \dots, n. The k leftmost bins can be put into the next k bins in some order if and only if 2k \le n and there exists a permutation p of the numbers 1, \dots, k, such that

\displaystyle s_i < s_{k+p(i)}\text{ for }i = 1, \dots, k \quad (1)

The solution to the problem is the largest k satisfying condition (1). Assume that k is a solution and p is a permutation satisfying condition (1). Let

  • x = \max(s_1, \dots, s_k) and x = s_i
  • y = \max(s_{k+1}, \dots, s_{k+k}) and y = s_{k+j}

It is obvious that x < y. Assume that p(i) = k+jj and p(ii) = k+j. Then

\displaystyle s_i < s_{k+jj} \le s_{k+j} \displaystyle s_{ii} \le s_i < s_{k+jj}

Therefore we can modify the permutation p such that p(i) = j and p(ii) = jj, and the modified p also satisfies condition (1). Let L(x) be the number of bins of size x in the first k bins, and R(x) be the number of bins of size x in the next k bins, that is

\displaystyle \begin{align*}
L(x) &= |\{i : 1 \le i \le k, s_i = x\}| & x = 1, \dots, m \\
R(x) &= |\{j : k+1 \le j \le 2k, s_j = x\}| & x = 1, \dots, m

Define R(m+1) = 0 and D(m+1) = 0 and

\displaystyle D(x) = D(x+1)+R(x+1)-L(x) \quad x = m, \dots, 1

Now we can state that the k leftmost bins can be put into the next k bins in some order if and only if condition (2) holds.

\displaystyle D(x) \ge 0 \quad x = m, \dots, 1 \quad (2)

Values of L(x) and R(x) can be computed in \Theta(n) running time and then checking for the condition (2) takes \mathcal O(m) time. Therefore for a given value of k we can check whether k is a solution in \mathcal O(mn) time. Moreover, if we already computed the values of L and R for a given k then for k-1 we have to modify L(k), R(k), R(2k) and R(2k-1) only. As a consequence, we obtain an \mathcal O(mn) worst case running time algorithm. The required memory is \Theta(m+n).

We can speed up a bit by recomputing only those D(x) that might be changed by decreasing the value of k.


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