Editorial for Baltic OI '11 P5 - Meetings

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Let's denote by T(n) the time needed for n participants to reach a decision. First we observe that T(n) never decreases as n increases. From this follows that when we divide the n participants into i groups, we want to make the largest group as small as possible. Thus, it is optimal to let most groups have size \lceil \frac{n}{i} \rceil and the last one may be smaller. This gives us a simple dynamic programming solution with \mathcal O(N) memory and \mathcal O(N^2) time that would be sufficient to get 40 points:

a[1] = 0; // special case: no meeting
for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
    a[i] = i * p + v; // baseline: no groups
    for (int j = 1; j < i; ++j) {
        // j groups: the size of groups is i/j rounded up
        int k = (i - 1) / j + 1;
        int t = a[k] + a[j];
        if (a[i] > t)
        a[i] = t;

Next we can observe that the inner loop in the above solution basically finds the value of T(n) as:

\displaystyle T(n) = \min_{a \cdot b \ge n}\{T(a) + T(b)\} \quad (1)

Since this is symmetric, we only need to consider the pairs (a, b) where a \le b, or a \le \sqrt n. Thus we can get a solution with \mathcal O(N \sqrt N) running time and earn 70 points just by replacing the line

for (int j = 1; j < i; ++j)

with the line

for (int j = 1; j * j < i; ++j)

To model dividing the groups into sub-groups, we can recurrently express T(a) and T(b) in (1), and eventually arrive at the general form:

\displaystyle T(n) = \min_{n_1 \cdot n_2 \cdot \ldots \cdot n_k \ge n} \{T(n_1) + T(n_2) + \dots + T(n_k)\} \quad (2)

Without further sub-grouping T(n_i) = n_i \cdot P + V and thus the total working time corresponding to the grouping in (2) can be expressed as:

\displaystyle T(n, k) = \sum (n_i \cdot P + V) = \left(\sum n_i\right) \cdot P + k \cdot V \quad (3)

Obviously k \cdot V in (3) depends only on k, but not on the choice of values of n_i. Thus, to minimize the value of T(n) for a fixed k, we need to choose n_i so that \sum n_i would be minimal.

Since the sum of factors multiplying to a given product is minimal when the factors are equal, we obtain the optimal value for T(n) when n_i are as close to \sqrt[k]{n} as possible. More precisely, we need to use \lfloor \sqrt[k]{n} \rfloor for as many and \lceil \sqrt[k]{n} \rceil for as few n_i as possible so that \prod n_i would still be at least n.

Since each n_i must be at least 2 (there's no benefit in creating sub-groups with just one member), we only need to consider the values of k up to \log_2 N. From the preceding, we can easily compute T(n, k) using just \mathcal O(k^2) multiplications, which gives us a solution with \mathcal O(1) memory and \mathcal O(\log^3 N) time that would get the full score:

// computes T(n, k) for fixed k
long long solve_k(long long n, int p, int v, int k) {
    long long fact = (long long) pow(n, 1.0 / k);
    // since fact was rounded down above, we now increase
    // some factors by 1 to have them multiply to at least n
    int incr = 0;
    while (power(fact + 1, incr) * power(fact, k - incr) < n)
    // the answer is \sum(factors)*p + k*v
    return (k * fact + incr) * p + k * v;
// computes T(n)
long long(solve(long long n, int p, int v) {
    if (n == 1)
        return 0;
    long long result = solve_k(n, p, v, 1);
    for (int k = 2; 2ll << k <= n; k++) {
        long long r = solve_k(n, p, v, k);
        if (result > r)
            result = r;
    return result;

Looking at the task text, there might be some doubt whether the group leaders are required to hold a single meeting or may also form sub-groups among themselves. In other words, are we allowed to use T(a) + T(b) as the right-hand side of (1) or should we be restricted to T(a) + b \cdot P + V instead? It turns out this does not matter, as any process involving the b group leaders forming b' sub-groups could also be modeled as forming b' groups first and these splitting into a total of b sub-groups.


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