Today in gym class, your class decided to play dodgeball, and aurpine is selected as one of the team captains!
students are lined up in a row, waiting to be put on teams. aurpine is allowed to pick multiple students as long as they are adjacent to one another, and the first letter of each of their names are the same (case insensitive).
As an assistant to aurpine, help him decide what his first choice should be by writing a program to determine all the possible choices he could make!
Input Specification
The first line contains the integer
, representing the total number of students.
The second line contains
space separated strings, each representing the name of the
student in line. Each name will be no longer than
characters and only contain letters from the English alphabet.
Output Specification
Output one integer, representing the total number of choices aurpine can make. Since this number can be very large, output it modulo
Sample Input
Sarah Timmy Turner Betty Bob
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample Output
The possible groups of people that aurpine could choose are:
- Sarah
- Timmy
- Turner
- Betty
- Bob
- Timmy, Turner
- Betty, Bob
What is output for:
Is it 11 ?