Editorial for Back to School '24 P2 - Cheating

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Author: htoshiro

Subtask 1:

We can put all N students in a queue starting with 0 points. For each question i, we add A_i to the score of the first B_i students, and move the B_i students to the end of the queue.

Time Complexity: O(MN)

Subtask 2:

We can further optimize our solution from subtask 1 by noticing that it is not required to iterate through the queue's values individually to add score. We can store the index of the first student in the queue as index f, which is originally 0. We can then notice that for each question i, we will increase the score of the students in the range of f to f + B_i (where this range may wrap from end to start), and the new f would be f + B_i + 1. We can further optimize this increase by using a difference array to answer the queries.

Time Complexity: O(N + M)


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