CCC '12 J3 - Icon Scaling

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Points: 3 (partial)
Time limit: 0.5s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem type
Canadian Computing Competition: 2012 Stage 1, Junior #3

You have been asked to take a small icon that appears on the screen of a smart telephone and scale it up so it looks bigger on a regular computer screen.

The icon will be encoded as characters (x and *) in a 3×3 grid as follows:

* *

Write a program that accepts a positive integer scaling factor and outputs the scaled icon. A scaling factor of k means that each character is replaced by a k×k grid consisting only of that character.

Input Specification

The input will be a positive integer k such that k<25.

Output Specification

The output will be 3k lines, which represent each individual line scaled by a factor of k and repeated k times. A line is scaled by a factor of k by replacing each character in the line with k copies of the character.

Sample Input


Output for Sample Input

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  • 0
    kyleandjunyi  commented on Nov. 28, 2024, 12:20 a.m.

    oh thanks

  • -6
    beethebee  commented on June 16, 2024, 6:47 a.m.

    This comment is hidden due to too much negative feedback. Show it anyway.

  • -3
    franklincool  commented on Jan. 1, 2024, 9:30 p.m.

    This problem is actually a really fun BrainF exercise. Just make sure to account for two-digit inputs :)

  • 7
    960t  commented on Nov. 4, 2022, 10:43 p.m.

    I looked at the output and immediately thought "amongus" lmao

  • 1
    kresteodymium  commented on Feb. 7, 2021, 12:50 a.m.

    Hi DMOJ users! Can someone kindly take a look at my program and tell me where I went wrong. I have tried debugging but haven't made any progress :(

    Much appreciated, kresteodymium :)

    • 7
      Josh  commented on Feb. 7, 2021, 8:52 a.m.

      Use lowercase 'x' instead of uppercase 'X'.

  • 0
    _  commented on Oct. 1, 2016, 9:25 p.m. edit 2

    It's in BrainF, sorry I chose to test my code in an online IDE I found after submission. It seemed to work, but I'm getting WA's for what seem to be correct. (It's saying text clipped but I don't see anything wrong)

    Script here (before you ask why I was coding in BrainF, I was bored and wanted to play around with it. -yes I know it's also limited to 1 digit)

    • 15
      Kirito  commented on Oct. 1, 2016, 10:21 p.m.

      The xs are supposed to be lowercase.

      • 6
        _  commented on Oct. 1, 2016, 11:57 p.m.

        Oh, thanks