Editorial for CCC '16 S4 - Combining Riceballs

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Author: FatalEagle

Suppose the riceballs are numbered from 1 to N, with riceball i having size A[i]. Define a boolean function f(i, j) to return 1 if the riceballs in the range [i, j] can all be combined into a single riceball, or 0 otherwise. The final answer to the problem is:

\displaystyle \max_{1 \le i \le j \le N} f(i, j) \cdot \sum_{k=i}^j A[k]

Remember that no matter how you combine riceballs in an interval, after they are combined the size will always be the same.

We have the following recurrence:

\displaystyle f(i, j) = \begin{cases}
1 & \text{if } i \ge j \\
\max_{i \le a \le b \le j} f(i, a) \cdot f(a+1, b-1) \cdot f(b, j) & \text{otherwise, where } \sum_{k=i}^a A[k] = \sum_{\ell=b}^j A[\ell]

To speed this up, notice that for every a there is at most one b that satisfies the size restriction, and when a increases, b decreases, so all valid pairs may be found with a two-pointers algorithm.

Complexity: \mathcal{O}(N^3)


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