Canadian Computing Competition: 2017 Stage 1, Senior #1
Annie has two favourite baseball teams: the Swifts and the Semaphores. She has followed them throughout the season, which is now over. The season lasted for
For each day, Annie recorded the number of runs scored by the Swifts on that day. She also recorded this information for the Semaphores.
She would like you to determine the largest integer
For example, if the Swifts and the Semaphores have the same total number of runs at the end of the season, then you should output 0
Input Specification
The first line of input will contain an integer
For 7 of the 15 points available,
Output Specification
Output the largest integer
Sample Input 1
1 3 3
2 2 6
Sample Output 1
Explanation for Sample Output 1
After 2 days, each team had scored a total of 4 runs.
Sample Input 2
1 2 3
4 5 6
Sample Output 2
Explanation for Sample Output 2
The only time when the Swifts and the Semaphores had scored the same number of runs was at the beginning of the season.
Sample Input 3
1 2 3 4
1 3 2 4
Sample Output 3
Explanation for Sample Output 3
The Swifts and Semaphores have the same number of total runs after the first game, and after the third game, and after the fourth game. We take the largest of these values (1, 3 and 4) and output 4.
Hi, pls check if my code is correct
Apparently my code works for Batch 1 but not for Batch 2 and batch 3, pls guide me how to fix or how i can see the use cases or the inputs for the failed cases.
This really made me have to rack my brain but it's very cool ;
should the input be a string in c ?
Anyone know why my solution doesn't work?
can someone tell me how to make my code faster (Python 3)
can anyone tell me why my code won't work?
put if(S == S1) outside of the nested for loop. In your code, if r == 0 but S == S1, it will also be added to preK which is incorrect
If you try the following
your code will print 2, but the correct output should be 0
Thank you! My code works now. :D
TLE in python3. Can someone hint what I should be doing to avoid this? Thanks.
Keep a running count instead of re-computing the number of runs every time.
If you're getting a TLE in java, make sure you use a buffered reader.
what is a buffered reader
BufferedReader is a Scanner in Java used for fast input, the reason it is so fast is because unlike Scanner it does not tokenize the input requiring the user to tokenize using either a tokenizer or .split, the DMOJ tips page has more info on this as well as oracle documentation