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Authors: kobortor, Kirito
For up to
of the original
available marks, we note that
. We can first sort all edges by weight, breaking ties by taking the edge which appeared earlier in the input. We then run a standard MST algorithm, keeping track of the number of new edges in the MST.
Time Complexity: 
Full Solution
For the full solution, we have to account for when
There are two solutions to do this.
Solution 1
To find the best value, we take the total of the MST from before and subtract at most
from the largest edge. Store this value in some variable for now.
Next, we try to see if we can reduce the number of days required by
. To do this, we take each unused original edge and try to use it to replace a new edge in the MST. To find the largest value to remove, we use a sparse table to find the largest value in
time. The new cost will be old MST cost
+ new edge
- removed edge
- min*(D, largest remaining edge)
. If this equals the best value we can get in the old edge, we reduce the days required by 1 and stop trying.
Solution 2
First, we generate an MST similarly to what we did for the first
points. However, we notice that only edges with weight equal to that of the heaviest edge will be replaced. Let us call this weight
Then, we run Kruskal's algorithm, with a slight modification: if the edge's weight is less than
or was in the original MST and has a weight equal to
, then we add it into the MST like in the standard algorithm. However, if the weight of the edge is
and is also an old edge, then it can replace one of the edges we used, thus decreasing the number of days required by
Time Complexity: 