Editorial for CCC '18 S2 - Sunflowers

Remember to use this editorial only when stuck, and not to copy-paste code from it. Please be respectful to the problem author and editorialist.
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

Author: Kirito

Observe that a rotation of 90 degrees counterclockwise is the same as a 270 degree rotation clockwise, a rotation of 180 degrees counterclockwise is the same as a 180 degree rotation clockwise, and a rotation of 270 degrees counterclockwise is the same as a 90 degree rotation clockwise. These, along with a rotation of 0 degrees, are the only rotations you need to consider.

Thus, we can rotate the grid 0 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees, clockwise, and print the valid grid.

The rotations can be thought of as an operation which maps the square at (x,y) to (x',y').

  • For a 0 degree rotation clockwise, we have (x,y) \mapsto (x,y).
  • For a 90 degree rotation clockwise, we have (x,y) \mapsto (y,N-1-x).
  • For a 180 degree rotation clockwise, we have (x,y) \mapsto (N-1-x,N-1-y).
  • For a 270 degree rotation clockwise, we have (x,y) \mapsto (N-1-y,x).

All of the above assume a 0-indexed grid.

Time Complexity: \mathcal O(N^2)


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