Editorial for CCC '19 S2 - Pretty Average Primes

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Author: KevinLu

For this problem, we can use a simple for-loop to generate values of a and b.

Set a = i and b = 2n - i. Loop i through the integers from 2 to 2n.

Check if they are both prime and that 2n is equal to a + b.

Recall that an integer is prime if it is greater than 1 and cannot be formed by multiplying two smaller natural numbers.

For subtask 1, it is sufficient to loop i through the integers from 2 to n when checking if the integer is prime. If n is divisible by any of the values from 2 to n, the integer is not prime.

This gives us an \mathcal O(TN^2) algorithm.

For subtask 2, an optimization is made. Loop i through the integers from 2 to \sqrt n. If n is divisible by any of the values from 2 to \sqrt n, the integer is not prime. The for-loop now has a time complexity of \mathcal O(\sqrt n) instead of \mathcal O(n).

This gives us an \mathcal O(TN \sqrt N) algorithm.


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