Editorial for CCC '23 S5 - The Filter

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Author: d

Subtask 1

The answers for N = 3 are 0, 1, 2, 3.

Suppose the answers for N = 3^k are a_1, a_2, \dots, a_M. The answers for the first third of N = 3^{k+1} are

\displaystyle a_1, a_2, \dots, a_M

The Cantor set has copies of the same structure. In particular, the first third of the Cantor set is identical to the last third. The remaining answers for N = 3^{k+1} are

\displaystyle 2 \times 3^k + a_1, 2 \times 3^k + a_2, \dots, 2 \times 3^k + a_M

These observations are enough to generate the answer for any power of 3.

Subtask 2

Note that \frac{34676}{51169} is covered by the 49^\text{th} filter, but not any earlier filter. This is the maximum record for N \le 10^5. A naive approach is expected to fail on N = 51169.

This subtask requires deeper observations about Alice's filters.

Property 1 (Filters are symmetric). If r is covered by the k-th filter, then 1-r is covered by the k-th filter. Likewise, if the k-th filter does not cover r, then 1-r is not covered by the k-th filter.

Property 2 (The k-th filter and (k+1)-th filter are related). Let k be a positive integer, and let 0 \le r \le \frac 1 3. If r is covered by the (k+1)-th filter, then 3r is covered by the k-th filter. Likewise, if r is not covered by the (k+1)-th filter, then 3r is not covered by the k-th filter.

The proof of these 2 properties is left as an exercise. From these properties, it becomes natural to define the function f(r) = 3 \times \min(r, 1-r). Here are a few theorems about f.

Theorem 1. If r is not covered by any filter, then f(r) is not covered by any filter.
Proof. Apply Property 1 and Property 2.

Theorem 2. Suppose r is covered by the k-th filter. Then either k = 1, or f(r) is covered by the (k-1)-th filter.
Proof. Apply Property 1 and Property 2.

Here is the approach to solving subtask 2:

  • Let r = \frac x N. Construct this sequence: r, f(r), f(f(r)), f(f(f(r))), \dots
  • If r is in the Cantor set, then by Theorem 1, every term in the sequence is in the Cantor set. Since every term is a multiple of \frac 1 N, the sequence will enter a cycle.
  • If r is not in the Cantor set, then r is covered by a filter. By Theorem 2, a term in the sequence will be covered by the first filter.

There are 2 outcomes. Either the sequence will enter a cycle, or a term will be covered by the first filter. The algorithm needs to handle both outcomes. The intended total time complexity is \mathcal O(N) or slightly slower.

Alternatively, it is enough to ignore cycle detection and construct the first 49 terms. In the worst case (i.e. r = \frac{34676}{51169}), the 49^\text{th} term is covered by the first filter.

Subtask 3

Note that \frac{222534799}{867579680} is covered by the 130^\text{th} filter, but not any earlier filter. The author believes this is the maximum record for N \le 10^9.

Firstly, use the first 18 filters to remove most of the numbers. After this step, less than 10^6 numbers remain.

Next, apply the algorithm from subtask 2 on each of the remaining numbers. It may be a good idea to use memoization to improve time complexity. There are other tricks to improve performance.

The intended time complexity is \mathcal O(N^{0.631} \log N) because there are \mathcal O(N^{0.631}) numbers to consider, and each number takes roughly \mathcal O(\log N) to consider. Note: The exponent is exactly \log_3 2.


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