Write a program that repeatedly reads a positive integer, determines if the integer is deficient, perfect, or abundant, and outputs the number along with its classification.
A positive integer,
The input starts with the number of integers that follow. For each of the following integers, your program should output the classification, as given below. You may assume that the input integers are greater than
Sample Input
Sample Output
4 is a deficient number.
6 is a perfect number.
12 is an abundant number.
Be careful about the grammar. An abundant number should be "an abundant number." not "a abundant number."
Is 1 a perfect number? or What is 1's proper divisor?
According to the definition: "Proper divisors include 1 but not the number itself", first we can say that "1 is 1's proper divisor since Proper divisors include 1". We can also say, on the other hand, that "1 is not 1's proper divisor" since 1 is the number itself.
From the problem statement,
I have a strange comment, kind of related to the question, how many perfect integers are there up until say up until 2,147,483,647? I wrote a program, but in about 15 minutes it only got 4. And those where 6, 28, 496, and 8128. Has anybody else been able to actually get a complete list?
A quick search found a good answer to your question. In case you're too lazy to read the link, I can summarize:
The current limitations are: