CCO '18 P2 - Wrong Answer

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Points: 12 (partial)
Time limit: 0.6s
Memory limit: 1G

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Canadian Computing Olympiad: 2018 Day 1, Problem 2

Troy made the following problem (titled WA) for a programming contest:

There is a game with N levels numbered from 1 to N. There are two characters, both are initially at level 1. For i<j, it costs Ai,j coins to move a character from level i to level j. It is not allowed to move a character from level i to level j if i>j. To win the game, every level (except level 1) must be visited by exactly one character. What is the minimum number of coins needed to win?

JP is a contestant and submitted the following Python solution.

def Solve(N, A):
    # A[i][j] is cost of moving from level i to level j
    # N is the number of levels
    x, y, sx, sy = 1, 1, 0, 0 # Initialize x and y to 1, sx and sy to 0
    for i in range(2, N + 1): # loop from 2 to N
        if sx + A[x][i] < sy + A[y][i]:
            sx += A[x][i]
            x = i
            sy += A[y][i]
            y = i
    return sx + sy

Troy is certain that JP's solution is wrong. Suppose for an input to WA, JP's solution returns X but the minimum number of coins needed is Y. To show how wrong JP's solution is, help Troy find an input N and Ai,j such that XY is maximized.

Input Specification

There is no input.

Output Specification

Print an input to WA in the following format:

On the first line, print one integer N (2N100).

Then print N1 lines; the i-th line should contain Ni integers Ai,i+1,,Ai,N (1Ai,j100).

If your output is not in the correct format, it will get an incorrect verdict on the sample test in the grader and score 0 points.

Otherwise, suppose that for your input, JP's solution returns X but the minimum number of coins needed is Y. Then you will receive min(25,X4Y) points where Z is the smallest integer that is not less than Z.

Sample Output

1 2 3 4
10 9 8
7 6

Explanation for Sample Output

The optimal way to win the game is for one character to visit level 2 and the other character to visit levels 3, 4 and 5. This costs (1)+(2+7+5)=15 coins. JP's solution returns 18. Thus X4Y=184×15=0.3, so this output will receive 0.3=1 point.


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