CCO '23 P1 - Binaria

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Points: 12 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 1G

Problem types
Canadian Computing Olympiad: 2023 Day 1, Problem 1

You have been hired by the Cheap Communication Organization (CCO) to work on a communication breakthrough: sub-message sum (SMS). This revolutionary idea works as follows.

Given a binary string of length N, and some positive integer K with KN, the SMS for the string consists of a sequence of NK+1 sums. The first sum in the sequence is the sum of digits 1 through K, the second sum is the sum of digits 2 through K+1, and so on until the last sum which is the sum of digits NK+1 through N.

For example, if K=4, the SMS of the binary string 110010 is 2,2,1. This is because 1+1+0+0=2,1+0+0+1=2, and 0+0+1+0=1.

Since you are a very junior developer, your job is not to find the original binary string from a given SMS, but rather the number of binary strings that could have formed this SMS.

Input Specification

The first line of input contains the two space-separated integers N and K where 1KN. The second line of input contains NK+1 space-separated integers which is the SMS of at least one binary string.

Marks AwardedBounds on NAdditional Bounds on K
3 marks1N10K3
3 marks1N10None
4 marks1N1000K10
4 marks1N106K20
4 marks1N106K3000
7 marks1N106None

Output Specification

Output the remainder of T divided by the prime number 106+3 where T is the positive integer equal to the total number of possible binary strings that correspond to the given SMS.

Sample Input

7 4
3 2 2 2

Output for Sample Input


Explanation of Output for Sample Input

The possible strings of length 7 are 1011001, 1101010, and 1110011.


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