Editorial for CCO '23 P3 - Line Town

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Author: zhouzixiang2004

An initial observation is that the final happiness of a resident depends only on whether the resident's final position differs from their initial position by an odd or an even displacement. Therefore, the only important information to describe a state is a permutation representing where the residents end up. We can rephrase the problem as finding a permutation p_1,\dots,p_N with the smallest number of inversions such that the array h_i' := (-1)^{|i-p_i|}h_{p_i} for 1 \le i \le N is nondecreasing.

We will present the solution to subtasks 5 and 6 first as it helps put all the subtasks into a bigger picture.

Subtasks 5 and 6

Consider the element with the largest |h_i|, say at index j. We must move h_j to either index 1 or N, and it is possible that only one or none of these indices result in h_j having the correct sign in the end. After doing so, we can effectively ignore h_j and continue this reasoning recursively on the remaining elements, except for the fact that where h_j ends up might affect the parity of the final indices of the remaining residents.

This suggests using dynamic programming with a state of the form dp[k][b], representing the minimum number of swaps to put all the k largest |h_i|s at an endpoint of the line and with the correct sign, where the number of residents assigned to the left end is \equiv b \pmod 2. Note that it suffices to consider greedily making swaps to move the residents into an endpoint in decreasing order of |h_i|, as every inversion gets accounted for exactly once this way. Let l_k be the number of residents left of the kth largest |h_i| with a higher |h_i| and r_k be the number of residents right of the kth largest |h_i| and with a higher |h_i|. The transitions are of the form dp[k][b]+l_k \to dp[k+1][b \oplus 1] and dp[k][b]+r_k \to dp[k+1][b], both only considered if the sign is correct. This dynamic programming can be performed in linear time after precalculating l_k and r_k.

Finding l_k and r_k naively takes \mathcal{O}(N^2) time, which solves subtask 5, and a binary indexed tree similar to inversion counting can be used to find l_k and r_k in \mathcal{O}(N \log N) time, solving subtask 6.


The path to the full solution is more clear after solving subtasks 5 and/or 6. We will still use dynamic programming with a similar state, except we need to consider all the residents with the same |h_i| simultaneously, finding the minimum number of inversions incurred to move all of them to an endpoint while fixing the parity of how many residents are moved towards the left endpoint.

A solution to subtasks 3 and/or 4 will integrate nicely into a full solution, as we can view residents with the same |h_i| as \pm 1 and residents with smaller |h_i| in between them as 0. Subtasks 1 and 2 are easier versions of this task where 0s are not allowed.

Subtasks 1 and 2

Many different perspectives may lead to a solution, some of which are more obviously correct than others. One of the most direct perspectives (working with the original h_is) can lead to a solution resembling greedy bracket matching. We will present a different perspective that leads more easily to a subtask 3 and 4 solution.

Consider flipping the sign of every other h_i. After this transformation, the swaps become normal swaps that do not flip any signs. There are N+1 candidates for the final configuration of h_is. For each final configuration, focus on the set of indices where h_i = 1 in the initial and final states, say a and b. If these sets do not have the same number of elements, then this configuration is unreachable. Otherwise, a swap is equivalent to "shifting" an index by 1 to the left or right, and it follows that the answer is |a_1-b_1|+|a_2-b_2|+\dots.

For subtask 1, it suffices to implement the above idea naively in \mathcal{O}(N^2) time. For subtask 2, note that only one value of b_i changes each time as we sweep through the possible final configurations, so a running sum can be maintained to solve the problem in \mathcal{O}(N) time. It may be necessary to consider some cases on whether the number of 1s in the initial state (after flipping every other h_i) is one more or less than N/2.

Subtasks 3 and 4

Like in subtasks 1 and 2, we begin by flipping the sign of every other h_i. There are N+1-z candidates for the final configuration, where z is the number of 0s among h_i.

For subtask 3, we may consider all these candidates independently. For each configuration, we need to solve the following problem:

Given two length N arrays of elements in \{-1,0,1\}, find the minimum number of swaps required to transform one array into the other.

This problem can be modelled using inversion counting: In both arrays, label the -1s with 1,2,\dots,x from left to right for some x, the 0s with x+1,\dots,y for some y, and the 1s with y+1,\dots,N. The answer is the number of inversions between these two permutations. Finding the number of inversions can be done in \mathcal{O}(N \log N) time using a BIT, for a total time complexity of \mathcal{O}(N^2 \log N) (since there are only 3 distinct elements in the arrays, it is also possible to do this in \mathcal{O}(N^2) total).

For subtask 4, note that only a few elements change their inversion count each time as we sweep through the possible final configurations, so we can maintain a running sum instead to solve the problem in \mathcal{O}(N \log N) or \mathcal{O}(N) time. Similar to subtask 2, it may be necessary to consider some cases on whether z is odd and whether the number of 1s in the initial state is one more or less than (N-z)/2.

Subtasks 7 and 8

To solve subtasks 7 and 8, we can combine the solution for subtasks 3 and 4 with the dynamic programming of subtasks 5 and 6.


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