CEOI '18 P3 - Lottery

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Points: 25 (partial)
Time limit: 1.4s
Memory limit: 32M

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For a long long time you have been a big fan of Bytelotto. For around the same time, the members of your family have been telling you that all such games are a waste of money. You are sure that it is because of their lack of skill! You have a brilliant plan and everyone will see you winning the game soon.

There are many types of games. You are interested in one of them: Bitlotto. The choice was simple, as it is the easiest offered type of game: on each day exactly one number is drawn at random. You took notes of the results of draws in n consecutive days and obtained a sequence a1,a2,,an. You are sure that there is some pattern in this sequence, especially in intervals of l consecutive days. Your family still does not believe you, so the only way to convince them is to use solid math.

There are nl+1 intervals of days of length l. The ith interval starts at position i, so it contains elements ai,ai+1,,ai+l1. The distance between two intervals is the number of mismatches on their corresponding positions. In other words, for the xth and the yth interval it is the number of positions i (0i<l) such that ax+i and ay+i are different. Finally, we define two intervals to be k-similar if their distance is at most k.

There is a fixed sequence and an integer l. You are given q queries. In every query, you are given an integer kj and for each of the nl+1 intervals you must find the number of intervals of the same length that are kj-similar to this interval (not counting this interval itself).


The first line of the standard input contains two space-separated integers n and l (1ln10000), the number of days and the length of the analysed intervals. The second line contains n space-separated integers a1,a2,,an (1ai109), where ai is the number that was drawn on the ith day.

The third line contains an integer q (1q100), the number of queries. Each of the next q lines contains an integer kj (0kjl), the similarity parameter for the jth query.


Print q lines. The jth line should contain nl+1 space-separated integers that are the answer to the jth query. The ith number in a line should be the number of other intervals that are kj-similar to the ith interval.


The test set is divided into the following subtasks with additional constraints. Tests in each of the subtasks consist of one or more separate test groups. Each test group may contain one or more test cases.

Subtask Constraints Points
1 n300 25
2 n2000 20
3 q=1,k1=0 20
4 q=1 15
5 no additional constraints 20

Sample Input

6 2
1 2 1 3 2 1

Sample Output

2 1 1 1 1
4 4 4 4 4

Explanation for Sample Output

In the example above there are five intervals of length 2:

  • the first interval contains the numbers 1 2
  • the second contains 2 1
  • the third contains 1 3
  • the fourth contains 3 2
  • the fifth contains 2 1

There are two queries.

The first query has k=1. The first and the third intervals — 1 2 and 1 3 — differ only on the second position, so the distance between them is 1. Similarly, the first and fourth intervals — 1 2 and 3 2 — differ only on the first position, so the distance is 1. These are the only two intervals that are 1-similar to the first interval, so the first printed number is 2.

In the second query, we are given k=2. All pairs of intervals are 2-similar.


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