Editorial for COCI '07 Contest 4 #5 Poklon

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First sort the intervals in descending order by their lower bound, breaking ties in increasing order of their upper bounds. Let dp(I) be the length of the longest sequence starting with interval I.

We can see that dp(I) = \max\{1+dp(J), for each interval J completely contained in interval I\}. If I does not contain any other intervals, then dp(I) = 1.

Because of how we sorted the intervals, interval I cannot contain interval J if I < J. A direct implementation of the above idea has time complexity \mathcal O(N^2) and does not get all points.

To efficiently calculate dp(I), we introduce a new array of integers A containing 1\,000\,000 elements and initialized to zero. The value A(hi) tells us the length of the longest sequence starting with an interval whose upper bound is exactly hi.

Now the relation dp(I = [lo, hi]) can be expressed as dp(I) = \max\{1+A(x), \text{for }lo \le x \le hi\}. In other words, we find the length of the longest sequence whose upper bound is inside I. Again, the lower bound of that interval will also be within I, because the intervals are processed in descending order of lower bounds.

Finally, to efficiently find the largest element in the subsequence of A with indices [lo, hi], we can use an interval tree or Fenwick tree.


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