Editorial for COCI '08 Contest 2 #5 Setnja

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Suppose that the root of the tree is not labeled 1, but with an arbitrary label x.

For some x, let f_i(x) be the value of all paths in the set described by the substring of the input starting with the i^\text{th} character.

The following recursive relations hold:

  1. f_i(x) = f_{i+1}(x); if the i^\text{th} character is P (we stay in the root of the tree, with value x)
  2. f_i(x) = f_{i+1}(2x); if the i^\text{th} character is L (we move to the left child, with value 2x)
  3. f_i(x) = f_{i+1}(2x+1); if the i^\text{th} character is R (we move to the right child, with value 2x+1)
  4. f_i(x) = f_{i+1}(x) + f_{i+1}(2x) + f_{i+1}(2x+1); if the i^\text{th} character is *

The base case is the empty substring – f_{N+1}(x) = x.

The recursive formulas are linear, meaning that we only add constants or multiply by them. Because of this every term f_i(x) can be written in the form f_i(x) = A_i x + B_i.

The above recursive formulas can then be rewritten as:

  1. f_i(x) = A_{i+1} x + B_{i+1}
  2. f_i(x) = A_{i+1} (2x) + B_{i+1} = (2A_{i+1})x + B_{i+1}
  3. f_i(x) = A_{i+1} (2x+1) + B_{i+1} = (2A_{i+1})x + (A_{i+1}+B_{i+1})
  4. f_i(x) = A_{i+1} x + B_{i+1} + A_{i+1} (2x) + B_{i+1} + A_{i+1} (2x+1) + B_{i+1} = (5A_{i+1})x + (A_{i+1}+3B_{i+1})

The output is f_1(1) = A_1 1 + B_1.

We can use dynamic programming to calculate the sequences A and B. Because the terms in the sequences can get large, it is required to implement big integer arithmetic supporting long addition.


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