Editorial for COCI '08 Contest 3 #6 Najkraci

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A small modification to Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm allows us to find roads that are part of shortest paths from a source city.

For a fixed city C, the roads form a directed acyclic graph (DAG) and we can use dynamic programming to calculate:

  • to(v), the number of paths from city C to city v;
  • from(v), the number of paths from city v to any other city.

To calculate the values of to(v) we use the formulas:

  • to(C) = 1
  • to(v) = \sum to(u), for each city u such that edge (u, v) is part of the DAG.

To calculate the values of from(v) we use the formula:

  • from(v) = 1 + \sum from(w), for each city w such that edge (v, w) is part of the DAG.

The values of to(v) are calculated in order in which Dijkstra's algorithm processes the vertices, while from(v) is calculated in reverse order.

Knowing these values, we can calculate how many shortest paths from C to some other city contains a road R = (A, B).

If road R is not part of the DAG, then this amount is zero. Otherwise it is to(A) \cdot from(B). The total number of shortest paths containing road R is calculated as the sum of these products for every starting city C.


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