Editorial for COCI '11 Contest 4 #5 Broj

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To solve this for large values of P we will use a modification of the sieve of Eratosthenes. The size of our sieve will be 10^9/P. Integers in the sieve represent multiples of P. During the execution of this algorithm, we can find the smallest prime factors or mark only multiples of prime numbers smaller than P.

For smaller values of P we can binary search through [1, 10^9/P], again looking at these numbers as the corresponding multiples of P. For some number, we must find the number of integers not greater and relatively prime with that number. We can do this by using the inclusion-exclusion principle with prime numbers less than P.

With careful implementation, this solution can work for much larger values of P than requested for this subtask.

We can also solve this task for smaller values of P by making use of the periodic behaviour of the smallest prime factors. Let A(n) be the smallest prime factor of n, B(k) the k^\text{th} prime number, and T(k) the product of the first k primes. For A(n) \le B(k), A(n+T(k)) = A(n) holds. So it's enough to know A(n) for n \le T(k) in order to find the N^\text{th} prime whose smallest prime factor is B(k).


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