Editorial for COCI '11 Contest 6 #6 Košare

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Each box can be represented using a bitmask: i^\text{th} bit will tell us whether i^\text{th} toy is present in this box. Our problem can now be reformulated: find the number of subsets of boxes such that total bitwise-or has no zeroes in its binary representation.

We could use dynamic programming and find solutions for each f(masks\_left, current\_bitwise\_or). This solution has a complexity of \mathcal O(N \times 2^M) and earns 50\% of the points. We won't go into details of this solution, but various implementations can be found among competitors' solutions.

Let's see how to come up with a faster solution. Let b[mask] be the number of masks from the input that are submasks of mask. Then the number of subsets whose bitwise-or is a submask of mask is equal to c[mask] = 2^{b[mask]}. Once we have c calculated, we get the solution in complexity \mathcal O(2^M) by using the inclusion-exclusion principle.

But how to get sequence b? Let's take some mask 1mask that begins with 1. Here mask denotes the rest of the bitmask. Let's say we already know the number of its submasks that begin with 1. Number of submasks that begin with 0 is equal to number of submasks of 0mask. This suggests a recursive approach: we solve our problem separately for masks beginning with 0 and 1, and then combine those solutions into the total solution.

Complexity of finding b is T(2^M) = \mathcal O(2^M) + 2T(2^{M-1}) = \mathcal O(M \times 2^M).

Total complexity becomes \mathcal O(NM + M \times 2^M).

It is also possible to avoid using the inclusion-exclusion principle, since we can calculate c within at the bottom of the same recursion we use for finding b.

b could also be found by brute force in complexity \mathcal O(3^M), and this approach is worth 70\% of the points.


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