Editorial for COCI '13 Contest 4 #6 Utrka

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Let us label M_{ab}^{(k)} as the biggest advantage Mirko can achieve on a route with at most k steps which begins in village a and ends in village b. The task is to find the minimal k_\min such that one diagonal element in the matrix M^{(k_\min)} is strictly positive. We also want to know the maximal such diagonal element in the matrix M^{(k_\min)}, as it is the second required output number.

We can notice that if we know M^{(p)} and M^{(q)}, we can calculate M^{(p+q)} with a procedure similar to matrix multiplication. The complexity of this procedure is \mathcal O(N^3).

These observations let us use binary search for k and then using fast (matrix) multiplication we calculate M^{(k)}. Unfortunately, the complexity of this procedure is \mathcal O(N^3 \log^2 N), which wasn't enough for 100\% of points.

In order to achieve maximum points, it was necessary to calculate matrices M^{(k)} for k = 2^0, 2^1, 2^2, \dots (complexity \mathcal O(N^3 \log N)) and then find the minimal k in the procedure which determines its digit by digit in binary notation (from the largest to the smallest digit). The total complexity of this procedure is still \mathcal O(N^3 \log N) which was sufficient for 100\% of points.


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