Editorial for COCI '13 Contest 5 #5 Trokuti

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Considering three different lines, we can notice that they form a triangle if and only if their slopes are mutually different. The lines i and j have different slopes if A_i / B_i is different than A_j / B_j (be careful with division by zero). This leads us to our first solution with the complexity of \mathcal O(N^3), where we test whether the slopes are different for every line triplet (i, j, k).

If we could find out how many lines there are with a slope different than the slope of a certain pair of lines, the task could be solved by fixating all possible pairs of lines (i, j) with different slopes and add the answer to the query for lines i and j to the solution.

Let equal(x) represent the number of lines with a slope equal to the slope of line x. Then the number of lines with a slope different than the slope of lines i and j is N-equal(i)-equal(j). The values of equal(x) can be preprocessed in the complexity of \mathcal O(N \log N) with simple sorting, which brings us to the solution of complexity \mathcal O(N^2).

For a solution valid for 100\% of points, introduce two new functions: greater(x) and smaller(x) which tell us how many lines there are with slopes strictly greater or strictly smaller than the slope of line x. These functions can also be easily preprocessed in the complexity of \mathcal O(N \log N) with the help of sorting. The number of triangles where the line i belongs and has the middle slope size can be calculated as greater(i) \times smaller(i). For the final solution, we only need to sum these values for each i from 1 to N. The total complexity is \mathcal O(N \log N).


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