Editorial for COCI '16 Contest 1 #3 Cezar

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First, we need to sort the words in the order which corresponds to the permutation. Now we see that, after encoding, a word must be lexicographically smaller than all the words that come after it.

Word A is smaller than word B if one of the two conditions is met:

  1. A is a prefix of B
  2. A and B differ in the i^\text{th} letter and A_i is lexicographically smaller than B_i (A_i is the i^\text{th} letter of A, B_i is the i^\text{th} letter of B)

To ensure that A comes after B is not smaller than B because of the first condition, it is sufficient to observe all pairs and check if A is a prefix of B.

The second condition is checked by constructing a directed graph consisting of 26 nodes, where each node represents one letter of the English alphabet. The graph contains a directed edge B_i \to A_i if and only if there exist words A and B such that A comes before B and they differ for the first time in the i^\text{th} letter. In other words, if there exists a directed edge B_i \to A_i, then the letter that will be replaced with A_i must be lexicographically smaller than the letter which will be used to replace B_i.

Obviously, the solution will not exist if there is a cycle in the graph. Given the fact that the number of nodes is quite small, a cycle can be detected in various ways. One of the simpler ways is using the Floyd–Warshall algorithm that performs in the time complexity \mathcal O(V^3), where V is the number of nodes.

If the graph doesn't have cycles, then the graph is DAG (directed acyclic graph), which means that its nodes can be topologically sorted. For each node X, it holds that all nodes which are accessible from X in a topologically sorted array come before it.

From the aforementioned conditions, we can see that the letter that is represented by the first node in a topologically sorted array must be assigned the letter a, the second node the letter b, and so on.


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