Editorial for COCI '19 Contest 6 #3 Konstrukcija

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We are asked to construct a graph with N nodes and M edges such that tns(1, N) = K, where tns(x, y) = \sum_{C \in S_{x,y}} sgn(C). Let [a, b) be a set of nodes x such that there is a path from a to x, there is a path from x to b and x is different from b. We can remove the last element of each ordered array C \in S_{x,y} and obtain another ordered array C' that begins with x, ends in some node from [x, y) and whose length is smaller by one than the length of C, so sgn(C) = -sgn(C'). Therefore tns(x, y) = -\sum_{z \in [x, y)} tns(x, z).

We will build our graph level-by-level. The first level will always contain a single node 1 and the last level will contain a single node N. In the first two subtasks, all nodes (except N) in a certain level will have directed edges towards all nodes in the next level. The general solution will be slightly modified.

The graph which solves the first subtask 1 \le K < 500 has three levels. The first level contains node 1, the second level contains K+1 nodes, and the last level contains node K+3. For example, for K = 4 the graph looks like the one depicted below.

In this example, using the recurrence relation for tns(1, x), we can see that tns(1, 1) = 1, tns(1, 2) = \dots = tns(1, 6) = (-1) \cdot 1, tns(1, 7) = (-1) \cdot (1 + 5 \cdot (-1)) = 4.

We will solve the second subtask with -300 < K \le -1 in a similar manner. For example, for K = -4 the graph looks like the one depicted below.

By inspecting the solutions for the first two subtasks we can observe that, by adding M nodes in a new level, we are multiplying the sum of all tns(1, x) values by -(M-1). It is also clear from the recurrence relation that tns(1, N) is equal to the sum of all tns(1, x) values, where 1 \le x < N, multiplied by -1. If K has the form \pm 2^i, by adding three nodes in a new level, the sum of tns(1, x) is multiplied by -2 so we can obtain the value K up to its sign using 3 + (i-1) \cdot 9 nodes. If we get the wrong sign, we can simply add 2 nodes in the next level to multiply the solution by -1.

All that is now left to determine is how to increase the absolute value of the current value by 1. Then we can use multiplications by 2 and additions by 1 to perform a popular algorithm for transposing the number from binary to its decimal notation. If the current sum is negative, we can simply subtract 1 by adding a new node to the current level that is connected with node 1. Similarly, if the sum is positive, we can add two nodes to a new level that are connected to all from the previous level, thereby negating the sum and subtracting 1 as described.

This algorithm constructs a graph for given K in less than 16 \log_2(K) edges.


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