Editorial for COCI '21 Contest 4 #5 Šarenlist

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Let's look at the set S and a family of sets A_i, i \in \{1, \dots, m\}:

  • S = \{set of all tree colorings\}
  • A_i = \{set of all colorings in which the path between c_i and d_i is monochrome\}

In terms of these sets, the solution is the size of the set difference between S and the union of all the A_i's. From the inclusion-exclusion formula, we have:

\displaystyle \left|S \setminus \bigcup_{i=1}^m A_i\right| = \sum_{I \subseteq \{1, \dots, m\}} (-1)^{|I|} \left|\bigcap_{i \in I} A_i\right|

We use the notation \bigcap_{i \in \emptyset} A_i = S.

Since m \le 15, it's possible to iterate over all the 2^m subsets I \subseteq \{1, \dots, m\}. For each such subset, we have to determine the size of \bigcap_{i \in I} A_i, i.e. the number of colorings in which each of the paths from c_i to d_i is monochrome, for each i \in I.

The number of such colorings depends on s, the number of components of the subgraph containing the monochrome paths, and the number of edges c which do not belong to any monochrome path. The desired value is then k^{s+c}. To see this, note that each component (i.e. a set of paths connected by shared edges) can be colored independently into one of k colors. Each edge not on one of the paths can also be colored in any of the k colors.

The value of s can be determined by constructing a graph in which node i represents the path between nodes c_i and d_i, and an edge between i and j means that the paths between c_i and d_i and between c_j and d_j have some edge in common. By using a DSU structure or a DFS, we can determine s in time complexity \mathcal O(m^2) for each I.

To calculate the value of c, we can determine how many edges are in the union of the paths from c_i to d_i for i \in I, and subtract this from the total number of edges, n-1. For each path from c_i to d_i, we maintain the set of edges it is made up from. Since there are at most n-1 \le 64 edges, we can use a bitmask to store these sets, and then a union corresponds to the bitwise or operator |. Then, with \mathcal O(mn) preprocessing, we can determine the value of c in \mathcal O(m).

Adding the complexities of c and s, and multiplying this by the total number of subsets of I, yields a final time complexity of \mathcal O(2^m m^2). Note that if n-1 > 64, calculating c now takes \mathcal O(mn \log n) time, which is too slow. The problem can still be solved for n \le 10^5, but this is left as an exercise to the reader.


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