Editorial for COCI '21 Contest 5 #4 Radio

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For each broadcasting radio frequency x, we can keep track of two other radio frequencies L_x and R_x, the next smallest and the next largest broadcasting frequency which makes noise with x (if L_x doesn't exist, we take it to be -1, and if R_x doesn't exist, we take it to be 10^9). The interval [l, r] creates noise if \max_{x \in [l,r]} L_x \ge l or \min_{x \in [l,r]} R_x \le r. The minimum and maximum in the interval can be determined in \mathcal O(\log n) using a segment tree. What remains is to figure out a way to keep track of L_x and R_x.

Notice that two frequencies create noise if and only if they are both divisible by some prime number. If in the sieve of Eratosthenes, we store for each number one of its prime factors, then we can factor a number in \mathcal O(\log n) by going over each of its prime factors. For each prime, we can maintain a set of broadcasting frequencies divisible by this prime. Then for each frequency, there are at most \mathcal O(\log n) candidates for L_x and R_x.

These observations are sufficient to obtain a solution. When a frequency x becomes active, for each prime factor of x, we look at the set of broadcasting frequencies for that prime and we find the next smallest and next largest frequency in this set. The minimum of the larger frequencies will be R_x, and the maximum of the smaller frequencies will be L_x. Additionally, for each of the L_x and R_x candidates, their L and R values might change, so we must update them. The number of candidates is \mathcal O(\log n), and updating L_x or R_x takes \mathcal O(\log n). Therefore, we can keep track of the updates in \mathcal O(\log^2 n). When deactivating a frequency, we do the opposite. We erase the number x from all the sets it is in, and adjust L_x and R_x of its neighbours. Again, the number of neighbours is \mathcal O(\log n).

It should be noted that the time complexity is in practice even better because numbers less than 10^6 can have at most 7 distinct prime factors since 2 \cdot 3 \cdot 5 \cdot 7 \cdot 11 \cdot 13 \cdot 17 \cdot 19 > 10^6.


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