Editorial for COI '11 #1 Kampanja

Remember to use this editorial only when stuck, and not to copy-paste code from it. Please be respectful to the problem author and editorialist.
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

The first step of the solution is computing d[a][b], the minimum distance from city a to city b, for all pairs of cities. If there is no possible path between a pair of cities, we will use \infty as the distance. It follows that, if d[1][2] = \infty or d[2][1] = \infty, then no solution exists. This part can easily be implemented using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.

Let us denote by dp[a][b] the minimum number of cities that need to be monitored so that a path 1 \to a \to b \to 1 is possible, where cities a and b do not necessarily have to be distinct. Then it is possible to move from "state" dp[a][b] to dp[x][y] with the following cost:

\displaystyle dp[x][y] = dp[a][b]+d[b][x]+d[x][y]+d[y][a]-1

If we search the state space over all (a, b) pairs using Dijkstra's algorithm, we will obtain the optimal solution in dp[2][2].


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