However, you quickly realize that Mr. Sidhu can't walk through walls! Therefore, you must now somehow include these obstacles into your program. The input will include a grid that will consist of O
(representing an empty space) and X
(representing an obstacle or otherwise unavailable space). You should note that each grid space is equal to one metre in length. It is guaranteed that the starting and destination points will be available (O
, that is) and that the Main Office can be reached by walking.
What he does not know, however, is that the school's former physics teacher installed invisible teleportation devices over the summer to provide a more efficient means for teachers to move around. She also configured it such that it would only work for Mr. Sidhu and no one else.
Unfortunately, she forgot about the devices — and she retired. As Mr. Sidhu walks down the hall, he is instantly teleported to the Main Office, his destination. Since he doesn't particularly enjoy being randomly teleported, he contacted the teacher and convinced her to remove the devices.
Being the curious student you are, you happened to stumble over a copy of the map of the teleportation devices on the teacher's desk of the classroom you have physics in, which contains the exact location of the devices as well as mentions that it would only affect Mr. Sidhu.
Since you are also a very compassionate student, you decide to show him the map but are disappointed when he tells you that the devices no longer exist. Therefore, to make him regret his decision, you decide to write a program that calculates exactly how much time Mr. Sidhu could have saved had he known the exact locations of the devices.
Input Specification
The first line of input will consist of the number of rows and columns
The next line of input will be
Output Specification
Your output should be the time he could have gained, in seconds.
Sample Input
5 5
4 4
1 2
3 3
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample Output
There is one device at 3, 3. He starts at 4, 4, the bottom-right of the grid. The length of the shortest path ignoring (walking over the tile) the device is 7 metres. Walking at 1 m/s means it will take him 7 seconds. But a teleportation device is only 2 metres away, thus allowing him to complete his journey in 2 seconds. The output should be 5, as he would have saved 5 seconds.
Just in case anybody is confused (I was lol):
the coordinates are flipped (they are given as (y, x)) -> if you test it in the sample case as (x, y), you would get answer 3 instead of 5.
also, you should output the max amount of time that can be saved, not the amount of time per teleporter.
It should be noted that one of the cases includes a path where Mr. Sidhu's only path to the main office crosses a teleporter.
Edit: for example
And correct output is 3.
Note: He can start directly on a teleporter
Could be worth mentioning that the coordinates are from index 0 and not 1 - that tripped me up a little bit.
Can he walk diagonally or not?
No, he cannot walk diagonally. Only up, down, left, and right (if there is no wall).
So is saving 5 seconds of his life so important for Mr. Sidhu? :)
Will the amount of time Mr. Sidhu could have saved always be a positive integer?
ie. If there was only one portal farther away from the starting point than the main office, would we output a negative integer?
If the portal is further away than the main office, he would simply go straight into the office and never take the portal, saving 0 time. Thus you would output 0.