Amagi Brilliant Contests runs a business making and hosting contests on its online platform for competitive programmers who want to run their own contests.
After several weeks and dozens of contests later, word got around about how great Amagi Brilliant Contests was, and now ABC is facing an unforeseen problem: business is booming and it has too many potential customers who wish to purchase problemsets!
For each of the
While Amagi Brilliant Contests wants to provide each customer with a Good problemset, it has strict deadlines to meet — namely, ABC has at most
You are the head of the optimization problems department at Amagi Brilliant Contests, and so you have been tasked with determining the maximum profit ABC can make.
For each problemset,
For test cases worth 25% of the total marks,
For test cases worth an additional 25% of the total marks,
Input Specification
The first line of input will have
The next
Output Specification
The first and only line of output should contain the maximum amount of money ABC can earn from the customers.
Sample Input 1
2 300
100 10 200 20 300 30
100 20 400 80 600 120
Sample Output 1
Explanation for Sample Output 1
ABC will give the first customer an Average problemset and the second customer a Poor problemset. 40 dollars is the most money ABC can make from these two customers.
Sample Input 2
2 250
100 30 150 30 200 30
50 5 200 10 400 15
Sample Output 2
Explanation for Sample Output 2
One way to obtain 35 dollars is to give the first customer a Good problemset and the second customer a Poor problemset.
You have some nice variable names there.
How do I fix out of memory error?
Concerning this problem, you only care about the previous DP state. Therefore, there is no need to have an array
array with modulo operations to check for previous DP state will suffice.
I have an array of size