Stranded on an island, Tusk decides to launch a signalling flare, but forgets to angle it towards the water. As a result, it takes off perpendicular to the ground. Its height in relation to its initial velocity
, Earth's gravitation
and time
given as:
If Ange launches the flare from the ground where at time
, how long does Ange have to get out of the way before the flare comes burning down?
Input Specification
A single integer,
Output Specification
The time elapsed until the flare touches the ground, i.e. the value of such that the expression evaluates to
. Your answer will be considered correct if it is within an absolute or relative error of
Sample Input
Sample Output
Explanation of Output for Sample Input
Substituting in for
, we find that
Here is a displacement-time graph of the flare:
First paragraph says Tusk, second says Ange
Ange launches the flare Tusk prepared.
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